Etsh project & help via email
Please use one of the following Etsh Project email addresses for help depending on your objective(s).
- <
v6sh (at) etsh (dot) dev
> - general questions and/or discussions relating to the project in some way - <
support (at) etsh (dot) dev
> - support-specific questions relating to the project and/or the software distributed as part of it - <
bugs (at) etsh (dot) dev
> - see below
Etsh bug reports
Please send etsh bug reports to the bugs@... email address noted above.
Before reporting a bug, please try to reproduce it with the latest version of the code. With bug reports, please try to ensure that enough information to reproduce the problem is enclosed. Also, if a known fix for it exists, then please include that as well [1].
Please include the "config.h" file if you wish to report a build and/or install problem.
Please report the results from running 'make check
' too if possible,
as that can be quite helpful in the end.
Other comments or questions
Last but not least...
If you have other questions / mind waves (or vibes) / comments and/or would like to discuss something not related to the project itself,
please send an email message to
<jan (at) etsh (dot) dev
> instead..
Otherwise, the only remaining project-related questions I can imagine you might ask via this address relate to its license, as this is the one I now write in the project license itself. But hey, anything is possible!
=) Either way, I will reply as soon as I can .. Thank you (=