Description - documentation
Git? No!! CVS... So, what is this then?? The objective is for this to serve as a general documentation page. It should include the FAQ if there were one and an etsh / tsh beginner's overview (scratched out a short draft to cover a few useful points, not available yet). =)
- History - historical information about the V6 Thompson shell; this includes source code and manuals
- Manuals - the manual pages cover all bases from a usage point of view
- NOTES - a collection of important historical info about the V6 Thompson shell that I wrote a long time ago (it also details the differences between etsh / tsh and the original)
- AnonCVS (Anonymous CVS) is available .. and etsh-current snapshots are too ! =^)
- Remember this please; time is precious for each and every one of us; when we run out of it, that's that;
- NOTE: This website is imperfect, but it's all mine =^) yay (^=